
The Climate Resilience Project Case Study Questions

The Climate Resilience Project Case Study Questions follows a semi-structured narrative interview style wherein the questions investigated themes pertaining to the lives and livelihoods of the sugarcane farmers affiliated with the Navchetana Sarvangin Vikas Kendra. The interviews were largely conducted in Marathi so as to provide respondents with comfort, while also allowing for richer data collection by communicating in their first language. 

The CRP Case Study questions followed themes including, but not limited to, the farmers’ work and the ways in which this work is impacted by climate change phenomena such as unseasonal rainfall and droughts; the health and sanitation complications arising out of these phenomena; the ways in which community solidarity manifests during these times of adversity, and lastly the respondents’ experiences with forced climate migration on a socio-economic, and socio-cultural level.